Recording Fees
The Recorder may not record any instrument, furnish any copies or provide any service connected with the office, until the fees prescribed by law have been paid or have been authorized to be paid electronically. (Utah Code 17-21-18.5)
Note: All Recording fees are set by State Legislature effective May 14, 2019. (Utah Code 17-21-18.5). Copy fees are set by County Commission effective May 7, 2019.
Make a Payment
We accept cash, check, or credit card payments.
Please make checks payable to: Utah County Recorder
* Documents include Mining, Federal tax liens or Releases, Licenses issued by Department of Registration, and UCC documents.
** Less description, right-of-ways, and easements, when described, are considered an extra description as well as are additional claims on mining documents.
Payment Processor Fee
Credit Cards
2.65% with a minimum of $1.50
Debit Cards
2.65% for All Debit Cards(Excluding Visa Debit Cards) with a minimum of $1.50
Electronic Checks
No processing fees!
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