Frequently Asked Questions
Execution of a document before an authorized office or a notary public. Acknowledgment is required of most documents that affect the title to real property.
Person who swears to the statement in an affidavit.
A sworn statement in writing.
One to whom a transfer of interest is made. For example, beneficial interest is assigned to the assignee on an Assignment of Trust Deed.
One who makes an assignment of interest. For example, the assignor on an Assignment of a Trust Deed assigns beneficial interest.
Attorney in Fact
One who holds a power of attorney from another allowing him to execute documents on behalf of the person granting the power of attorney.
Person who receives some benefit. For example, the beneficiary of a trust deed is the one who lends the money and receives benefits in the form of payments.
Certified Copy
A copy of a document that has been recorded or filed with a government agency (such as the Utah County Recorder's Office). The copy must be stamped and sealed by a deputy certifying that it is an exact copy.
Chain of Title
Past series of transactions and documents affecting title to a parcel of land.
Clear Title
Title that contains no obstruction or limitations from receiving marketable value.
An instrument by which title to property is transferred (such as a deed).
An agreement written into deeds and other instruments promising performance or nonperformance of certain acts or stipulating certain uses or non-uses of the property.
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